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Releases: onclave/NSGA-II


23 Mar 00:34
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  • fix chromosome ranking based on dominated count in fast non-dominated sort
  • bump org.jfree.jfreechart to 15.3
  • bump dependency-check-maven to 6.1.3


21 Sep 22:21
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Prepare for citation


21 Jun 10:40
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This release brings in a lot of added functionality, fixes a few bugs, optimizes the algorithm and brings a few breaking changes.


  • OrderCrossover
  • SimulatedBinaryCrossover
  • PolynomialMutation
  • SwapMutation
  • IntegerAllele
  • ValueAllele
  • PermutationEncoding
  • GenerationDriver

Bug Fixes:

This release fixes a bug where, after a sorting was performed, it may leave the objects unstable. It also fixes a bug in BinaryTournamentSelection where the same chromosome may be selected twice before performing crossover.


The algorithm now uses TimSort and dual-pivot QuickSort instead of Randomized QuickSort wherever applicable for better performance and more accurate behaviour.

Breaking changes

  • major package rearrangement and code scaffolding leads to changes in package configuration of various APIs.
  • added a few changes to the Chromosome object.
  • Reporter now outputs to a folder named output instead of the root directory.
  • it now uses a GenerationDriver object to control how long (generations) the algorithm should run. Even though it shall directly work with the number of generations provided, and shouldn't break any existing code, but it is important to keep in mind that the implementation has changed.


07 Jun 07:29
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  • Reporter API has been updated to write user defined output to file by calling the Reporter.p() method.
  • Reporter API has better error handling and directory creation handling while writing to file.
  • bug fixes.


02 Jun 03:14
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This release adds the following features to the package:

  • ZDT1 Test Suite
  • support for Value Encoding using ValueAllele
  • valueEncodedGeneticCodeProducer as a default implementation to generate Value Encoded genetic code for Chromosomes
  • Simulated Binary Crossover
  • Polynomial Mutation

Make objectives instance to Configuration

23 May 04:33
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Compatible with Java 1.8 and above

23 May 00:32
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To use it as a maven dependency add the following to your pom.xml file:


Please note that while you can use version 3.0.1, it requires Java 13 and above. 3.0.2 has been released to be able to work with Java 1.8 and above.

Release NSGA-II as package to Maven Central

16 May 15:04
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update pom for release to maven central

NSGA-II Implementation v2.0.1

07 May 12:31
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-fixed an issue with wrong implementation of randomizedQuickSortForCrowdingDistance.

NSGA-II Implementation - v2

06 Apr 21:48
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This is v2 of the algorithm implementation. This reference implementation has been updated to be:

  • Much simpler than the previous version. The previous version was unnecessarily complex in certain portions.
  • More efficient than the previous version. This is version is more memory efficient and runs faster.
  • Resolves an issue with the Binary Tournament Selection procedure.
  • Provides a simple interactive console while running the algorithm.
  • Updated dependencies.