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Paweł Salawa edited this page May 22, 2020 · 1 revision


Language: Tcl
Plugin for language: ScriptingTcl
How to use: Create custom SQL function. Suggested name: isLatin1
Function arguments only 1, a string
Function usage: SELECT isLatin1('text to test against Latin-1')
Description: Iterates through character in the string, checking if it's a Latin-1 or not. If all characters are in Latin-1 range, returns 1. If at least one character is outside of the range, returns 0.


binary scan [lindex $argv 0] c* codes
foreach code $codes {
  # Fail if code is outside of ranges: 32-126, 160-256
  if {$code < 32 || $code > 126 && $code < 160 || $code > 256} {
    return 0
return 1