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Robot-assisted feeding demos and projects for the ADA robot

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This README is the definitive source for downloading, installing, and running the Personal Robotics Lab's robot-assisted feeding software. This code has been run and tested on machines running Ubuntu 22.04 and ROS2 Humble.


Setup (Robot Software)

  1. Install ROS2 Humble (binary packages are recommended over building from source), configure your environment, and create a workspace.

    1. NOTE: In the remainder of the instructions, replace ~\colcon_ws with the path to your workspace.
  2. Configure pr-rosinstalls in order to download all necessary repositories.

     cd ~
     git clone
  3. Pull all the repositories, with the correct branch. Replace <https/ssh> with one of the options, depending on your authentication method.

     sudo apt install python3-wstool # if not already installed
     cd ~/colcon_ws/src
     wstool init
     wstool merge ~/pr-rosinstalls/ada-feeding.<https/ssh>.rosinstall
     wstool up
  4. Configure rosdep:

     sudo apt install python3-rosdep # if not already installed
     sudo rosdep init # if this is the first time using rosdep
  5. (Only for users with sudo access) Install rosdep dependencies:

     rosdep update
     cd ~/colcon_ws
     rosdep install --from-paths src -y --ignore-src --as-root=pip:false
  6. Install and fix pip/non-rosdep dependencies:

     cd ~/colcon_ws/src/ada_feeding
     python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Upgrade transforms3d, since the release on Ubuntu packages is outdated: python3 -m pip install transforms3d -U

    • Remove the duplicate matplotlib pip installation caused by installing scikit-spatial with pip (some accounts have required sudo access for this command, other have not. If you do not have sudo access and encounter this, contact a lab member who does):

        python3 -m pip uninstall matplotlib
    • pyrealsense2 is not released for ARM systems, so ARM users will have to build from source. You may have to add the -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 flag to the cmake command. When running sudo make install, pay close attention to which path pyrealsense2 is installed to and add that path to the PYTHONPATH -- it should be /use/local/lib but may be /usr/local/OFF.

  7. Install the JACO SDK (real robot only). All SDKs are listed here; PRL currently uses the Gen2 SDK v1.5.1. Note that although the latest version of that SDK is for Ubuntu 16.04, it still works on Ubuntu 22.04 (only for x86 systems, not ARM system).

  8. (Optional): We recommend using CycloneDDS as your ROS2 midleware, with a custom configuration file that enables multicast on loopback and prioritizes loopback. Install it with sudo apt install ros-humble-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp. Then, add the following lines to your ~/bashrc: export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp; export CYCLONEDDS_URI=~/colcon_ws/src/ada_feeding/cyclonedds.xml.

    • Note that you may have to change the name of the fallback interface that CycloneDDS uses if lo does not work for that transmission. To do so, run ifconfig and either use the name of your ethernet network or WiFi network, depending on how your computer is connected to the internet.
    • Note that you have to rebuild your workspace from scratch after doing this.
  9. Build your workspace:

     cd ~/colcon_ws
     colcon build --symlink-install # if sim-only, add '--packages-skip ada_hardware'

Setup (System Configuration)

Our system includes two computers, lovelace (Lenovo Legion 5i) and nano (Nvidia Jetson Nano), where the former runs camera code and the latter runs everything else. This repository includes some system-specific bash scripts to configure those computers. Specifically, move,,, and to the home directory of nano. Copy nano_bridge into the ROS2 workspace on nano (e.g., ~/Workspace/camera_ros2), and rebuild it. On lovelace, add a cronjob to run on reboot (e.g., sudo crontab -e, then add the line @reboot <path/to/ada_feeding>/

Note that these scripts will likely need to be changed for your setup's computers; however, perhaps the commands in these scripts can provide you inspiration.

Setup (Robot Hardware)

If you change the e-stop button, the e-stop button's adapter(s), and/or the device this code is being run on, you may have to change several device-specific parameters for the e-stop to work. Read the long comment above amixer_configuration_name in ada_feeding/config/ada_watchdog.yaml for detailed instructions on changing these parameters.

Setup (Web App)

  1. Install the Node Version Manager (nvm):

  2. Install and use NodeJS 21 (Note: if you have just installed nvm using the previous command, you will need to source your .bashrc or open a new terminal to run these commands):

     nvm install 21
     nvm use 21
  3. (Only for users with sudo access; this should already be configured on PRL computers) Make Node available to all users, including root:

     sudo ln -s "$NVM_DIR/versions/node/$(nvm version)/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/node"
     sudo ln -s "$NVM_DIR/versions/node/$(nvm version)/bin/npm" "/usr/local/bin/npm"
     sudo ln -s "$NVM_DIR/versions/node/$(nvm version)/bin/npx" "/usr/local/bin/npx"
  4. (Only for users with sudo access; this should already be configured on PRL computers) Install serve and pm2 globally. Root access is necessary for serve so it can access port 80.

     sudo npm install -g serve
     npm install -g pm2@latest
  5. Install the web app dependencies. (Note: there will be some vulnerabilities in dependencies. This is okay, since access to the web app is shielded behind our secure router.)

     cd ~/colcon_ws/src/feeding_web_interface/feedingwebapp
     npm install --legacy-peer-deps
     npx playwright install
  6. (Optional; this should already be configured on PRL computers) To access the web app on a device other than the one hosting it, enable the desired port for HTTP access:

Running the Software

We use the convenience script to launch the software. This script has several command-line arguments, which can be seen by passing the -h flag when running the script.

Recommended Option A: Run the Web App with the Real Robot

This option starts the web app and the real robot code, and can be used to test the entire system. This will by default start the web app on port 80, and requires sudo access. The robot's HDMI connection must be plugged into your computer, and your computer should be connected to the robot's router with an ethernet cable.

NOTE: If not running on the production machine i.e., lovelace, it's recommended that you append the command line flag --dev to the start script. This will launch RVIZ, will not require the e-stop button to be plugged in, and will not require sudo access to launch the web app.

cd ~/colcon_ws
python3 src/ada_feeding/

In a browser, access (if on the same device serving the web app), or the IP address of the device hosting the web app (if on a different device connected to the same network, e.g. a cell phone connected to the LOVELACE_5g network). You should now be able to run the system! Note that upon startup, the watchdog is in a failing state until the e-stop is clicked exactly once, allowing the system to verify that it is connected and working.

To close, run python3 src/ada_feeding/ -c

Option B: Running Web App With the Mock Robot

This option starts the web app, runs dummy nodes for perception, runs the real robot motion code, but runs a mock robot in MoveIt. This is useful for testing robot motion code in simulation before moving onto the real robot. This will start the web app on port 3000 and does not require sudo access.

cd ~/colcon_ws
python3 src/ada_feeding/ --sim mock

In a browser, access (if on the same device serving the web app), or the IP address of the device hosting the web app at port 3000 (if on a different device connected to the same network). You should now be able to run the system!

To close, run python3 src/ada_feeding/ --sim mock -c

Option C: Running Web App With All Dummy Nodes

This option starts the web app, and runs dummy nodes for all perception and robot motion code. This is useful to test the web app in isolation. This will start the web app on port 3000 and does not require sudo access.

cd ~/colcon_ws
python3 src/ada_feeding/ --sim dummy

In a browser, access (if on the same device serving the web app), or the IP address of the device hosting the web app at port 3000 (if on a different device connected to the same network). You should now be able to run the system!

To close, run python3 src/ada_feeding/ --sim dummy -c


  • Something is not working, what do I do?: All our code runs in screen sessions, so the first step is to attach to individual screen sessions to identify where the issue is. Run screen -ls to list all screens, run screen -r <name> to attach to a screen session, and Ctrl-A d to detach from the screen session. An introduction to screen can be found here.
  • The watchdog is not recognizing my initial e-stop click: Verify the e-stop is plugged in, and that any other processes accessing the microphone (e.g., Sound Settings) are closed. Run alsamixer to see if your user account has access to it. If you do not see sound levels in the terminal, try sudo alsamixer. If that works, give your user account permission to access sound: sudo setfacl -m u:$USER:rw /dev/snd/*
  • The watchdog is failing due to the F/T sensor: First, check whether the force-torque sensor is publishing: ros2 topic echo /wireless_ft/ftSensor3. If not, the issue is in the ft screen (one potential issue is that the alias ft-sensor does not point to the right IP address for the force-torque sensor, in which case you should pass the IP address in using the host parameter). If so, check the timestamp of the published F/T messages compared to the current time. If it is off, the problem is that NTP got disabled on the force-torque sensor. You have to use minicom to re-enable NTP (see here for PRL-specific instructions).
  • I get the error cannot use destroyable because destruction was requested: Upgrade to the latest version ofrclpy.
  • I get the error rosbags is not installed, or a wrong version is installed (needs 0.9.19). Type Checking against rosbag types will not work. Error: No module named 'rosbags': Upgrade or downgrade to rosbags version 0.9.19.
  • I get the error bad option: --env-file=.env when launching the WebRTC Signalling Server: You are using an old version of Node; upgrade it to 21.


Robot-assisted feeding demos and projects for the ADA robot






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