This is a Docker image of samtools
A makefile is supplied that will by build the image and add
metadata based on git describe
cd ./docker
When tagging a new version please use annotated tags in the command line interface.
git clone --branch master samtools_container && cd $_
git tag -a 'x.y.z' -m 'release x.y.z'
git push origin x.y.z
Releases are created and published automatically by a GitHub Action on tag creation. Using the web interface to create a release will cause that automation to fail.
Each container that provides command line programs is self-documenting and is able to install its own proxy wrappers outside of the container, to allow these programs to be run transparently.
The images include the singularity-wrapper tool which allows programs to be listed and their wrappers installed. The install target should be set to a volume mounted into the container and the -p (install prefix) option of the tool set accordingly. The -h option will show online help.
e.g. Show online help:
$ docker run \
singularity-wrapper -h
e.g. List the programs provided by a container:
$ docker run \
singularity-wrapper list
e.g. Install wrappers to $PREFIX/bin:
$ docker run -v $PREFIX:/mnt/tmp \ \
singularity-wrapper -p /mnt/tmp install
$ ls $PREFIX/bin
-rwxr-xr-x 1 kdj staff 406 Apr 12 15:47 bcftools
-rwxr-xr-x 1 kdj staff 409 Apr 12 15:47 tabix
Keith James Jennifer Liddle