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Maria Husmann edited this page Aug 20, 2024 · 1 revision


Git is a version control system that helps a team working on the same files.

  • If you don't have it yet, install Git. If you are not sure, if Git is installed on your computer, type git version into a terminal.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a code editor that comes with many plugins that help with all kinds of programming tasks. You are free to use any other editor in this class, if you already have a preference. VS Code has a nice Git integration.


Github is a platform where developers can host and share their code. You can interact with Github through the web UI or with Git. Github is owned by Microsoft, you are free to user another platform for hosting your code.

  • Create an account on Github (or whatever platform that your team is using).
  • Make sure that your team mates add you their repository as a contributer.

Github Copilot (optional)

Copilot is an AI programming tool thas is integrated into VS Code.

Setup the project

  • Clone your group's repository. You can do this directly from VS Code. Clone repository
  • Open a terminal in VS Code and install the dependencies with npm install
  • If your project uses environment variables, make sure to set them in the .env file.
  • Start the server with npm run dev
  • Open app the in the browser
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