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Maria Husmann edited this page Nov 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

Testing Vue apps

  • Watch the Unit Testing Vue video
  • Follow the getting started guide to install Vitest
  • Install Vitest
  • Install Vue test-utils
  • Optionally install the Vitest VS Code plugin
  • Generate a report on demand by specifing a Reporter. E.g. by adding a npm script such as "test:unit:report": "vitest run --reporter html --outputFile ./test-reports/test-results.html",
  • Optionally set up CI in with Github actions

Your task

Analyse your application and figure out where it makes sense to tests. Write a set of unit and/or component tests on your application. It is a good idea to also make your test fail in the beginning to make sure your tests are testing what you think they are.


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