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Command Reference

Peter Kwan edited this page Aug 29, 2018 · 7 revisions

Commands implemented by the XPT620 control interface

Commands are a single character followed by parameters. There are no separators between the command and parameters.

Inserter Identity

A quick test to see if you are connected is to use the Y command.

VBIT620 Text Generator V2.01   0

Page Identity

A page identity is a five digit number of the format mppss. Trailing digits can be omitted and default to '0'. Digits may be replaced by a wildcard '*'. The fields are:-

  • m = Magazine Number. In the range '1' -'8'.
  • pp = Page Number. Two hexadecimal digits. In the range '00' 'FF'.
  • ss = Subpage. A two digit number in the range 00-99. This is an internal reference used to identify subpages and repeated page versions. In the range '00' – '99'.

The P command selects pages for other commands like MD (delete) , L (set row) and R (read row) to act on.

L- Update Line

###Function Updates the specified line in the page or pages identified by the previous Select Page command. The text supplied as an argument is placed at the row specified in all the selected pages. Unlike the original ATP620/DTP620 protocol any overflow is truncated and not placed on subsequent rows.


L11 - where:

  • L = Command Identifier.
  • ll = line number, 00 – 24 inclusive and 27.
  • = text to be pasted into the line starting at column 00.


The following acknowledgements are possible:-

  • 0 = Good command
  • 1 = Bad command, eg. line number out of range


To update a line or lines within a page or pages, first send a Select Page command to identify the page, or pages, to be changed and then send the Update Line Command.

To set a line within the selected page(s) to all spaces, send the L command with a zero length text string, e.g. the Update Line command L15 will set line 15 in all selected pages to spaces.


While Row 00, the Header Row can be updated, this will be replaced by the system-wide header.

P – Select Pages for Action


The select page command is used to identify a page or set of pages for subsequent action. In defining the page or pages within a select page command, it is necessary to be able to identify the desired page or pages without ambiguity. This is done by use of the 'Page Identity', the constituent parts of which are explained in section 2.2.


P - where:

Page Identity elements are defined above.


The following acknowledgements are possible:

  • 0 = Good Command. Page(s) specified identified within this unit. where : nnn = number of matched pages placed on Page Action List
  • 1 = Bad Command e.g. page identity unacceptable or wild card used and no match found.
  • <001>8 = Command valid but the page did not exist. This only works when not wildcarded and afterwards the page will exist as a newly created empty page.


P777 Page 777 subpage 00 will be selected.

P1**** All pages in magazine 1 will be selected

M – Delete Pages


This command deletes selected pages.



where : M = Command Identifier

D = Delete Command


The following acknowledgements are possible:

  • 0 = Good Command, pages deleted
  • 1 = Incorrect Syntax or no pages selected


To delete one or more pages from the page store, send a Select Page command to identify the required page(s), followed by MD. To delete all pages, send MD after a select page command of P*****.