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yuqi edited this page May 15, 2020 · 7 revisions

As Horizon and PBA50 work unfolds, we want to document all of the components of setting up a scenario in BAUS. Some of these, especially the policies, are carried over from PBA40 scenarios. Others are features that were used to create divergent "Futures" scenarios for the Horizon work. Many of these features will continue to use a flexible framework to modify the "Futures" for testing "strategies", or the Horizon policies.

Existing pieces from PBA40:

  • Development projects: data/development_projects.csv, will include a column for the scenario
  • Zoning modifications: data/zoning_mods_*.csv, a separate csv for each scenario

Newer flexible files: These files should exist in the "data" folder, and also be specified in settings.yaml

  • Control files: by scenario
    • employment controls
    • household controls
    • regional controls
    • regional demographic forecast
  • Logsums: by scenario and year
    • MandatoryAccessibilities
    • nonMandatoryAccessibilities
    • AccessibilityMarkets
  • Config files: by scenario
    • rsh config

Newer models: Enabled in settings.yaml

  • sea Level Rise
  • earthquake

Policies: Set in settings.yaml, a combination of PBA40 and Horizon/Strategies

  • Inclusionary housing
  • OBAG
  • CEQA
  • Parking requirements in PDAs
  • Parking requirements due to AVs
  • VMT fees, by type
  • Housing development cost reduction
  • Any new Strategies policies
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