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Tim Zerrell edited this page Jan 6, 2017 · 17 revisions

This page is still under construction. If you have a question, ask in Discord chat!

If there's something you want to know how to do and this page doesn't help you, ask in Discord! (Also, tell us that this page doesn't address it so someone can fix that ;).)

#Questions ###Bugs

  • How do I report a bug?
  • How do I fix a bug?
  • How do I see what bugs need to be fixed?

###New Events

  • How do I get an idea for a new event?
  • How do I make a new event?
  • How do I name my event?
  • How do I find a collaborator for an event?
  • How do I test an event?
  • How do I add an event to the mod?

###Finding Something to Do

  • How do I find something to work on?
  • How do I tell people what I'm working on?


  • How do I translate this mod?
  • How do I add my translation to the mod?


  • How do I download the mod to work on?
  • How do I set up a GitHub account?
  • How do I set up git?
  • How do I determine which branch to check out?
  • How do I check out a branch?
  • How do I save changes in git?
  • How do I upload my work?
  • How do I merge my work into dev?

#Answers ##Bugs ###How do I report a bug? See this section of the issue tracker tutorial. ###How do I fix a bug? First, check out the appropriate branch (probably the feature branch). Make whatever changes need to be made, and then commit them. Finally, upload your work and if it's ready to be tested then [[merge it into dev|TODO]]. ###How do I see what bugs need to be fixed? Go to the issues tracker, click on "Labels" (near the search bar), and click "bug". The only issues shown will be those labeled as bugs. Alternatively, go straight to the bug label. ##New Events ###How do I get an idea for a new event? You can check the idea label in the issue tracker, which has many suggested ideas. You might also ask for ideas in Discord or check the forum or steam discussion threads for ideas.

###How do I make a new event?

###How do I name my event? We have a style guide for naming files, events, flags, etc in our mod.

###How do I find a collaborator for an event? You are most likely to find a collaborator by asking in Discord! You can also add an issue to the tracker and label it with the appropriate role (i.e. "needs writer" if you want to work with a writer) and with any other appropriate labels. ###How do I test an event? If you are not the event's coder, ask them in Discord chat how to test their event by @ messaging them (by typing @[their name]) or private messaging them. If you are the coder, the console commands event [event-id] and add_anomaly [anomaly-category] are helpful. You may need to have an object corresponding to the starting scope selected for this to work properly (i.e. you can only use add_anomaly when you have a planet selected).

There are more details in the testing tutorial.

Coders requesting testing in the issue tracker are strongly encouraged to include instructions for testing their work in the issue description. ###How do I add an event to the mod?

###What branch should I add my event to? If your event is still in progress, you should make a new branch from master named for your event (so e.g. the enterprise-fallen branch contains files like events/mem_enterprise_fallen.txt). Branches use hyphens rather than underscores.

If your event is complete and has been tested by you, and is ready to be tested by the team prior to release, you should add it to the dev branch, generally by merging in the feature branch. All mod collaborators have permission to write to the dev branch.

Once an event is sufficiently tested for release, it will be merged into the stable or beta branch (as appropriate) for release. Only admins can write to these branches.

See the branch structure page for more details

##Finding Something to Do ###How do I find something to work on? The Suggested Tasks page describes several ways to find useful tasks. You can also ask in Discord chat!

###How do I tell people what I'm working on? The recommended approach is to assign yourself to the issue in the issue tracker. If the issue isn't listed in the tracker, add it! If you need to actively tell someone what you're doing, rather than passively allowing people to check what you're doing, tell them in Discord chat.

##Translation ###How do I translate this mod?

###How do I add my translation to the mod?

##GitHub The getting started with git tutorial is a good guide to working with GitHub, especially if you are ok with using the command line. If you would rather not use the command line, you can use the GitHub Desktop tutorial instead, although note that our git experts will be less able to troubleshoot it if you have difficulties. ###How do I download the mod to work on? See the instructions in the Connecting a Remote Repository section of the git tutorial. You may need to follow earlier instructions in that tutorial as well if you don't have git set up.

###How do I set up a GitHub account? Create one at create one at Once it's created, @ message the admins with your username so we can add your account to our GitHub organization and repository.

###How do I set up git? The getting started with git tutorial walks you through the setup process. If you want to avoid the command line, you can instead use the GitHub Desktop tutorial, although our git experts will be less able to help you with it.

###How do I determine which branch to checkout?

  • If you are testing someone else's code, checkout dev.
  • If you are translating text that already exists in English, checkout dev. Some translators prefer to have a branch for their language. This works just fine if you want to do it, but it is not required.
  • If you are coding a new feature, checkout master and then immediately create a new branch for your feature (using git checkout -b name-of-new-feature).
  • If you are working on an existing feature that has already begun testing, checkout dev.
  • If you are working on an existing feature that has not begun testing, ask the initial author what the branch is named. If you can't reach the initial author, you can browse branch names using the command git branch.

More details on what branches we have are available on the branch structure wiki page.

###How do I check out a branch? The basic command is git checkout branch-name. You probably want to update with the most recent changes first though; do this with git pull origin branch-name (this assumes you have given our repository the name origin in git by using the command git remote add origin

More details on these commands are in the git tutorial.

###How do I save changes in git? Use the command git commit -a -m "[description]" where [description] is a mandatory summary of what you did with a maximum of 72 characters.

More details on this command are in the git tutorial.

###How do I upload my work? Use the command git push origin name-of-branch-to-be-uploaded. This assumes you have given our repository the name origin in git by using the command git remote add origin

More details on this command are in the git tutorial.

###How do I merge my work into dev? (Throughout this section it is assumed that you have given our repository the name origin in git by using the command git remote add origin

First you probably want to pull the most recent version of dev using

git pull origin dev```
While staying in the `dev` branch, merge `branch-to-merge` with
```git merge branch-to-merge```
If you are especially unlucky, you may get a merge conflict. Ask in discord for help; in the meantime, you can abort the merge with `git merge --abort`.

After merging into `dev`, there's a good chance you also want to push your work (`git push origin dev`).
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